We finished shooting at 6 pm yesterday, on an absolutely gorgeous spring day, in a beautiful park in paris. I had not anticipated how many flowers and blossoms there would be and that made me very happy. Nathalie was quite the nightmare- being a capricious brat and really trying our patience with her antics. But we had another 5-year old in the film, and I realize how relatively great Nathalie is, because the other girl, though equally adorable, was nowhere near the actress Nathalie is.
Friday we filmed in the back storage area of this cinemaplex- all went fairly well and I was feeling okay. We got out of there 30 minutes later than we promised, but I don't think that was the end of the world...but then I learned yesterday that after I had left, one of the crew member's car had the engine left running for a little bit and smoked up the loading dock area. This set off the cinema's fire alarm system, fire walls and all were activated within 1 minute, 4 screenings had to be stopped and the cinema had to refund tickets! I have no idea if they will hold us responsible, apparantly my AD thinks we should just send them some fruit baskets and pray...so we will.
Well, fire alarms and all, I am so relieved it is over. My apartment is a total mess, there is hardly room to walk with the camera and lights and props everywhere, and I can't wait to get rid of it and start anew. The film goes to the lab monday and then the wait begins and we pray we have an image and that image is what we filmed and that the whole thing can edit together into a semi-coherent movie. But I am not going to think about that for at least two weeks.