Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I randomly found out about a little film contest ("filmaka" and entered my film "I am hungry" (not my masterpiece "Push/pull" of course) into it. It is a new and not well publicized contest, and I didn't think about it too much... but miraculously, my film was in the top ten (number 8 out of around 100)...and apparantly I won some money! Wow, I've never won money for my films before. It is a really nice feeling that people voted for it and got my wierd sense of humor (in which I eat very literally "like a bird"). If I understand the contest rules correctly (a big "if"), I get to enter another contest and make another film and compete for even more money. The thing is, the winners are chosen by a vote/jury combination...so I may be campaigning amoung my blog readers to register and vote (for me!)....

As for news about my other little film, the one I've been perspiring for 2 years thinking about, well, it's not done yet, but I really feel the end is in sight. I'm committing to graduating in May which means really getting this together soon. I will. I will. I will.


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