Wednesday, June 28, 2006

musique et fuutbaal

On Monday I managed to get four talented musicians into the tiny, ill-equipped school recording studio. It was about a hundred degrees in there and I was stuck next to the recording engineer, chain-smoking hand-rolled cigarettes the entire day. I have a hard enough time communicating to actors and cameramen what I'm looking for, but musicians was a whole other ballgame. "more abstract", "no, more jazzy", "no, less like that kind of jazz", "uh, could you play something happier", "can you all just imagine there are all these dancing 5 year olds in the room", "oh, that didn't work, okay, back to abstract"....and on and on. But in the end we got a million takes to work with and I think it is quite cool to have original music to work with. The price was 74 euros= 40 euros for a tank of gas, 30 euros for lunch and 4 euros for brownies and coffees. A reasonable deal I'd say.

So, the picture is edited (8 minutes with credits), the music is recorded, and now the sound has to be "designed" and mixed. I am going to record the final voiceovers this weekend. As for ever getting a 35mm print (the dream/the goal/the myth), I have to wait until my school budget is revised (???) and pray until September. If all goes miraculously well, and it never does, I'll be 100% done by October.

In the meantime, I need to start working on a feature script...something without a 5 year old star...


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