Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Step One: Gather Images

Today in our thesis class we shared images that inspire us in the film we are setting off to make. Gathering these pictures at the library, thrift stores, old catelogs and magazines, made me feel like a kid again. Carefully cutting and arranging a big collage on a folding board. I think in the end mine came out successful- in the sense it was me: slightly sloppy and whimsical, drawn towards foggy black and whites more than bright violent colors.

Paging through the book, "Paris and the Surrealists" sent me shooting to a new direction on my project. I always feel like since I'm not a Dali fan, I must not like surrealism. But I think I'm going to re-examine that idea and see what the masters' texts hold. Why is it that when you start to get an idea, it keeps morphing and morphing until you can't see the original seed it grew from?


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